boy drinking water with chlorine in it to show the importance of chlorine-removal

Chlorine (or chloramines) are a chemicals added to public water supplies to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. Once the chlorinated water reaches your home, the chlorine has done its job and is no longer necessary.

In fact, while chlorine is effective at killing harmful bacteria, it can also have negative effects on your health as well as cause issues with existing appliances and items in your home. Not to mention, there are by-products that could be potentially harmful (as the chlorine mixes with other materials in your water). 

Disinfection by-products (DBPs), also called trihalomethanes, are formed when chlorine and bromine interact with natural organic materials in water, such as in chlorinated drinking water and chlorine-treated swimming pools. DBPs can be found in the air during activities such as showering, bathing, dishwashing, and swimming.

Here are some of the reasons why you should remove chlorine from your water:

    • Chlorine can cause skin and hair problems. Chlorine can dry out your skin and hair, making them feel brittle and unhealthy. It can also cause rashes and other skin irritations — including irritation in your eyes, nose, and/or throat.

    • Chlorine can contribute to respiratory problems. Showering in chlorinated water? Chlorine can irritate your lungs and airways, making it difficult to breathe. This is especially true for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions.

    • Chlorine can interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Chlorine can bind to vitamins and minerals in your water, making them harder for your body to absorb. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies.

    • Chlorine can have a taste and odor. Chlorine can give your water a strong taste and odor that some people find unpleasant. In some cases, it may even cause nausea, vomiting, and/or digestive issues.

    • Chlorine has been reported to cause or contribute to other health issues. We will not make medical claims, but we encourage you to do your own research as well as look at the water quality reports in your area. These reports can be obtained by contacting your local water supplier directly, or through the U.S. EPA’s website on Local Drinking Water Information.

If you are concerned about the health effects of chlorine, there are a few things you can do to remove it from your water:

    • Chlorine-removal system. HQ offers a whole-house chlorine and contaminant removal filter, which is specifically designed for the reduction of unwanted chlorine using a high-grade catalytic carbon filter. This will remove chlorine throughout the whole home and at every water source, including showers, toilets, sinks, and more. This ensures that chlorine is not impacting the water you’re drinking, using to bathe, and coming into contact with appliances.

    • Reverse Osmosis System. Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems remove minerals and contaminants from your water — including chlorine. This multiple-filtration process will leave you with healthy drinking water and eliminate your need for plastic water bottles. This is a point-of-use system and will only remove chlorine and contaminants at a single point(s) in the home.

    • Custom Filtration. We love providing tailored treatment solutions to address your specific needs and situation — reach out today to learn more about our custom filtration packages.

Removing chlorine from your water is a simple way to improve your health and enjoy better-tasting water. If you are concerned about the health effects of chlorine, take action!

Here are some additional tips for removing chlorine from water:

    • Choose a water filter that is specifically designed to remove chlorine. Not all water filters are created equal, so it is important to choose one that is effective at removing chlorine. Keep in mind that with point-of use filters (sink attachments, pitchers, fridge filters, etc.), you are likely only removing chlorine at a single source and not throughout your entire home. This can leave you and your appliances/fixtures exposed to chlorine in other areas of your home. It also may not fully remove chlorine, depending on the filter’s effectiveness.

    • Change your filter(s) regularly. The frequency with which you need to change your water filter will depend on the type of filter you have and how much water you use. Make sure to keep up with routine maintenance and change filters at the recommended frequency.

    • Have your water tested. Even if you’re on public/city water, you should test your water regularly! Just because the water appears or is presented as being “safe to drink” doesn’t mean there aren’t potentially harmful contaminants or issue-causes minerals. Some of these contaminants/issues include chlorine, water hardness, lead, pharmaceuticals and more.

We encourage you to remove chlorine from your water immediately and enjoy the benefits of cleaner, healthy, high-quality water.

Reach out to us with any questions about this blog post or to schedule your FREE water test/consultation today!

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